
Patient Safety

NAMSS provides medical services professionals with resources and tools to advocate on their behalf, showcase their experience, and gain a better understanding how they fit into the larger healthcare landscape. Select a resource below for more information:

State of the Profession Report 

The State of the Medical Service Profession Report is a tool designed to equip you with the resources you need to become the voice of our field. In it, you will find:

  • Background on the Profession 
  • Landscape of the Profession
  • Core Functions of the Profession and Skillsets by Years of Experience 
  • Future of the Profession 

Fast Facts on the Medical Services Profession  

This easy-to-read fact sheet summarizes the recently-released State of the Medical Services Profession Report and serves as a quick-reference guide when advocating for your career. Download the fact sheet and use the information when defining your role, requesting funding or support, and discussing the importance of your department with colleagues.

Advocacy Toolkit

The State of the Medical Services Profession Toolkit can help you speak up about the important role MSPs play in the delivery of quality healthcare. Download the toolkit to find: 

  • Talking points to guide crucial conversations 
  • Sample communications tailored for different audiences 
  • Quick reference sheets including a fact sheet and FAQs 
  • Shareable graphics and social media posts to accompany them 
  • Five simple steps to becoming an advocate 
  • Additional resources to help you along the way

Medical Service Profession Job Descriptions

NAMSS introduces sample job descriptions based on level of experience that can easily be adapted to your facility. The identified responsibilities and skills are based on feedback and responses from MSPs across the country that were collected through a Job Task Analysis (JTA), NAMSS member surveys, focus groups, and interviews in 2014. Use the job descriptions as guidance for filling the vacancies in your department. Credentialing guidelines and verifications will need to be aligned with your regulatory body requirements and organization’s policies and procedures. 

The job descriptions are meant to provide guidance only. You are encouraged to customize them base on your facility’s needs and expectations for the desired position.  

Managed Care Toolkit

The NAMSS Managed Care Toolkit provides individuals new to managed care the resources needed to succeed in the daily operations of their new environment. In this toolkit, individuals will find a roadmap to leadership success, credentialing metrics, resources for credentialing and primary source verification, credentialing job descriptions, and managed care definitions, resources, and acronyms. It is NAMSS’ intent that this toolkit will not only be useful for individuals in managed care but for all individuals in the profession wanting to develop a deeper understanding of the credentialing specificities required within varying health care environments.

The Managed Care Resource Toolkit was developed and vetted by the National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) Membership Committee’s Managed Care Subcommittee.

The resources and templates contained in this resource are not endorsed by any accreditation organization. Users of this toolkit should refer to the appropriate accreditation standards, local and federal regulations, and facility policies for any specific guidance. This toolkit is simply a set of guidelines to assist those using it in creating their own tools.

Credentialing By Proxy Guidebook 

NAMSS is pleased to introduce the NAMSS-ATA Credentialing by Proxy Guidebook! In collaboration with the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), the Guidebook is meant to help you navigate the credentialing process for practitioners providing remote/telemedicine services.
