
Maintenance of Certification

The National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) supports efforts by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and stakeholders across the health care industry to re-envision the process of continuing board certification and the Maintenance of Certification programs. Demonstrating ongoing physician competence is an essential piece of maintaining patient safety, and is an important part of evaluating practitioners for credentialing and privileging decisions. Concerns around the existing continuing certification programs have led some states to propose or enact laws restricting their use in making these decisions, which infringes on the ability of Medical Services Professionals and Organized Medical Staffs to fulfill their duty in evaluating providers. However, physician burnout is an increasingly difficult issue as additional burdens are being placed on providers across the continuum of care.

Increased standardization, clarity of requirements, and reduced physician burden will all be integral parts of a modern, effective board certification program. NAMSS looks forward to the outcomes of the ABMS’ Vision for the Future Commission and to aiding in the evolution of board certification to best support our ultimate goal of patient safety. 

Published August 28, 2018

View the NAMSS Maintenance of Certification Survey Summary. This survey was conducted of NAMSS members in late 2018.  
