The National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) held its 3rd annual industry roundtable, titled “Real Reform through Positive Disruption” on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at the Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, MD. This year’s discussion focused on enacting meaningful, impactful change in the health care provider credentialing and licensure processes. To continue the facilitation of these important discussions, NAMSS will be establishing work groups of roundtable participants and other industry leaders for each of the four areas of discussion: the Verification of Graduate Medical Education Training Form, the Model Credentialing Application, the Recredentialing and Reappointment processes, and the Criminal Background Check process.
This year’s roundtable was a giant leap toward real reform through positive disruption, and it is only the beginning. Through the establishment of industry work groups and through continued partnerships with industry leaders, NAMSS looks forward to producing and executing change in the credentialing and licensure processes this year.
Download the Roundtable Report