
Exam Fees

  NAMSS Members Non Members
CPCS® or CPMSM® Exam Application $425 $575
Single Certificant Recertification $200 $375
Dual Certificant Recertification $225 $400
Exam Window Transfer or Exam Date Re-scheduling $125 $125
Late Exam Fee (Submitted after initial deadline) $125 $125

Fees effective 2024

Consider renewing or applying for a NAMSS membership prior to applying for the exam to receive the NAMSS member rate. If you do not renew or apply before submitting your application, you will not be eligible for the NAMSS member rate.

Make checks or money order payable to: "NAMSS". Please note, there will be an additional administrative fee of $30 for returned checks. VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are all accepted if you would prefer to pay by credit card. Complete the credit card payment section at the bottom of the CPCS or CPMSM application.

Please note that check payments take approximately 2-3 weeks to be processed. Please submit check payments at least 3 weeks prior to the application deadline. 


CPCS® and CPMSM® are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as service marks of National Association Medical Staff Services.
